Template Actions
Caddy's template features make it possible to add some dynamic content to your static website and include pages to help reduce duplication. Templates are supported by a few different directives such as templates, browse, and markdown.
Template actions only work on directives that support them. Check the documentation for your directive to see if and how they can be used.Caddy templates use the syntax defined in Go's text/template package. Understanding text/template will help you take full advantage of templates, but for those of us who aren't programmers, here are some simplified instructions. Caddy also adds some extra helpful functions for templating web pages specifically, which we've documented here.
Basic Syntax
Template actions are enclosed between {{
and }}
markers. Template words are case-sensitive.
Common Functions
Include another file:
{{.Include "path/to/file.html"}} // no arguments
{{.Include "path/to/file.html" "arg1" 2 "value 3"}} // with arguments
Get argument within included file:
{{index .Args 0}} // 0 is first argument, and so on
Include and render a Markdown file: (not needed in markdown middleware)
{{.Markdown "path/to/file.md"}}
Show current timestamp: (format)
{{.Now "Monday, 2 Jan 2006"}}
Cookie value:
{{.Cookie "name"}}
Header field value:
{{.Header "name"}}
Visitor's IP:
Server's IP:
Visitor's hostname (requires DNS lookup, probably slow):
Request URI:
Host portion of request:
Port portion of request:
Request method:
Whether request path matches another path:
{{.PathMatches "/caddy-v1-docs/some/path"}}
A part of the URL:
TLS version:
Environment variables:
Truncate value to certain length: (from beginning, or from end)
{{.Truncate "value" 3}} // "val"
{{.Truncate "value" -3}} // "lue"
String replacement:
{{.Replace "haystack" "needle" "replacement"}}
Current date/time object: (useful in date-related functions)
Get extension from file path:
{{.Ext "path/filename.ext"}}
Strip extension from file path:
{{.StripExt "filename.ext"}}
Strip HTML, leaving only the plain text:
{{.StripHTML "Shows <b>only</b> text content"}}
Lower-case a string:
{{.ToLower "Makes Me ONLY lowercase"}}
Upper-case a string:
{{.ToUpper "Makes me only UPPERCASE"}}
Split a string by separator:
{{.Split "123-456-7890" "-"}}
Convert list of values to a slice (array):
{{.Slice "a" "b" "c"}}
Map keys to values: (useful in advanced cases, with subtemplates, etc.)
{{.Map "key1" "value1" "key2" "value2"}}
List files in a directory:
{{.Files "sub/directory"}}
{{.Context.Files "sub/directory"}} // prefix with .Context in markdown templates
Whether HTTPS interception is likely:
Random string of random length between min and max length:
{{.RandomString 100 10000}}
Built-in Sanitization Functions
These functions are built into text/template but you may find them helpful.
Make HTML-safe (escape special characters):
{{html "Makes it <i>safe</i> to render as HTML"}}
Make JavaScript-safe:
{{js "Makes content safe for use in JS"}}
URL-escape (query-encode):
{{urlquery "Makes safe for URL query strings"}}
Control Statements
{{if .PathMatches "/caddy-v1-docs/secret/sauce"}}
Only for secret sauce pages
{{if .PathMatches "/caddy-v1-docs/secret/sauce"}}
Only for secret sauce pages
No secret sauce for you
{{if .PathMatches "/caddy-v1-docs/secret/sauce"}}
Only for secret sauce pages
{{else if eq .URL "/caddy-v1-docs/banana.html"}}
You're on the banana page
No bananas or secret sauce
Range: (iterate data; this example dumps request headers)
{{range $field, $val := .Req.Header}}
{{$field}}: {{$val}}
Server-side comments:
{{/* This isn't sent to the client */}}
Comparison Functions
Useful in "if" statements, you can use comparison functions:
Not equallt
Less thanle
Less than or equalgt
Greater thange
Greater than or equal
Or these logic functions:
Reverses the if conditionor
Returns first non-empty argument or the last argumentand
Returns first empty argument or the last argument
Further Reading
These are just a few examples of what you can do. If you need even more template power, read the description of the text/template package which goes into much more detail.