

Moving Fast At Scale – Randy Shoup, 2019

Beyond Developer – Dan North, 2017

Modern Agile – Joshua Kerievsky, 2017

User Story Mapping: Discover The Whole Story – Jeff Patton, 2014

Your job in software development is not to build more stuff faster. Your job is to build less. Your job is to minimize the amount of output at the same time that you maximize the amount of outcome and impact that you get.

  1. Tell stories, don’t just write them
  2. Use simple visualizations to anchor the stories you tell
  3. Tell the whole story to find the parts that matter most
  4. Think things through: minimize output, maximize outcome and impact
  5. Build minimum viable product tests to find what’s minimum and viable in the market

Effective stories connect everyone to the purpose or your product

Make Impacts, Not Software – Gojko Adzic, 2013

The easiest way to get zero bugs is to never deliver anything.

Impact mapping:

Frankenbuilds: If Agile is so Good, Why Are Our Products so Bad? – Gabrielle Benefield, 2012

Outcomes > output.